3 Large Poster Size Parchment Documents: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights
3 pages, 23" x 29" each
Articles of Capitulation - handwritten copy 1781
14" x 11.5"
Articles of Capitulation Pictorial 1781
14" x 16"
Articles of Confederation of the United States - 1778
Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
11" x 14"
Benjamin Franklin - "The Art of Making Money Plenty" Rebus
12" x 16" + 6" x 9" solution page
Benjamin Franklin - Petition Against Slavery 1790
16" x 14"
Benjamin Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac
Benjamin Franklin - Portrait and Thoughts
12" x 14"
Benjamin Franklin - The Way to Wealth - Poster
Boston Tea Party 1773
British Army Recruiting Poster
Colonial Bill of Fare Tavern Dinner Menu
10" x 16"
Colonial Era "Fare of Ye Tavern" Wine & Liquor Menu
Colonial Era Replica Currency Set A
Set of 7 Replica Banknotes
Colonial Era Replica Currency Set B
Cradle of Religious Freedom Map - Philadelphia Churches
15" x 12"
Declaration of Independence Replica - 14" x 16" Parchment Poster
Declaration of Independence Replica - Big 23" x 29" Parchment Poster
23" x 29"
Deeds for Manhattan 1645 & Long Island 1649
George Washington - Call to Arms
George Washington - Commission & Oath
George Washington - Plan of Operations against the King's Troops in New Jersey
George Washington - Portrait and Thoughts
History of Famous American Flags Poster [Large Poster Size]
History of Famous American Flags Poster [Small Poster Size]
New York Replica Currency 1776-1864
Patrick Henry - Give me Liberty Speech 1775 & picture
Patrick Henry - Give Me Liberty Speech Pictorial
Revolutionary War Battlefields Map [large poster size]
Revolutionary War Battlefields Map [small poster size]
13.75" x 15.5"
Revolutionary War Recruiting Broadside
10" x 14"
Ringing of the Liberty Bell
12" x 15"
Seals of the American Colonies 1606-1794
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere 1775
Thomas Jefferson - Portrait and Thoughts
Weapons of the American Revolution Poster [large poster size]
Weapons of the American Revolution Poster [small poster size]