3 Large Poster Size Parchment Documents: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights
Special 20% DiscountSave $12.00 This specially priced set includes all 3 large poster size Documents of Freedom: Declaration of Independence 23" x 29" Constitution of the United States 23" x...
Sale price $47.85 $47.85
Abraham Lincoln & Hannibal Hamlin 1860 Campaign Poster
This antiqued parchment poster depicts an actual Campaign Poster from 1860 featuring Abraham Lincoln for President and Hannibal Hamlin for Vice President. The campaign poster includes several messages from Lincoln...
Regular price $9.95 $9.95
Abraham Lincoln - Assassination Reward Poster, April 20, 1865
This antiqued parchment poster depicts a replica of the actual reward poster issued by Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, from the War Department in Washington on April 20, 1865,...
Abraham Lincoln - Emancipation Proclamation 1863
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of the original hand written Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. The proclamation was an executive order by Lincoln...
Abraham Lincoln - Farewell Address, Springfield, IL, Feb. 11, 1861
This speech was delivered by Abraham Lincoln on February 11, 1861 as he was leaving Springfield, Illinois bound for Washington for his inauguration as the sixteenth President of the United...
Abraham Lincoln - John F. Kennedy Coincidences
Americans have marveled at the incredible list of coincidences between former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. This antiqued parchment poster features pictures of Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy, and...
Abraham Lincoln - John Wilkes Booth and the Assassination
This antiqued parchment poster features a detailed history of John Wilkes Booth and his involvement with the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. The poster includes portraits of Booth and his...
Abraham Lincoln - Portrait and Thoughts
This antiqued parchment poster includes a portrait of Abraham Lincoln and some of his most famous and interesting quotes.
Abraham Lincoln - Second Inaugural Address, April 10, 1865
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of the complete manuscript of Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, which he delivered on April 10, 1865. This theologically intense speech has been widely...
American Indian Declaration of Allegiance to the U.S. 1913
This antiqued parchment document is a reproduction of the original handwritten "Indian Declaration of Allegiance to the United States," dated 1913 by the North American Indians. The document includes the...
Articles of Capitulation - handwritten copy 1781
This antiqued parchment poster includes exact replicas of two pages from the original handwritten document of surrender known as the Articles of Capitulation, which was drafted on October 19th, 1781. The document...
Articles of Capitulation Pictorial 1781
This antiqued parchment poster depicts a typeset copy of the Articles of Capitulation which was signed by Earl Cornwallis, the Lieutenant-General of the British Army, on October 19th, 1781. This...
Articles of Confederation of the United States - 1778
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of the original hand written Articles of Confederation of the United States, with explanatory notes. The Articles of Confederation of the United States...
Automobiles in the 1880's and 1904
This antiqued parchment poster depicts 14 pictures of several of the first automobiles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The poster includes Henry Ford's first car in 1893, the Columbia...
Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
This antiqued parchment pictorial of The Battle of Bunker Hill includes little-known facts about this famous battle in Boston, during the opening phase of the American Revolution. Did you know...
Beginnings of Modern Day Surgery in America 1800's
This antiqued parchment poster honors the beginnings of modern day surgery during the 1800's and early 1900's. The poster includes pictures and descriptions of: The first surgical amphitheatrer. The famous...
Benjamin Franklin - "The Art of Making Money Plenty" Rebus
"The Art of Making Money Plenty" print is an ingenious pictorial puzzle (rebus) by Benjamin Franklin which you must solve to unlock his secrets for success. The solution is included,...
Benjamin Franklin - Petition Against Slavery 1790
Franklin's Petition Against Slavery was submitted to the Senate and House of Representatives on February 3, 1790 on behalf of the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery. This antiqued...
Benjamin Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac
This antiqued parchment print of Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac contains two pages from the first Poor Richard's Almanac published in 1733 by Benjamin Franklin to make available his mottos, sayings...
Benjamin Franklin - Portrait and Thoughts
The Benjamin Franklin Portrait & Interesting Thoughts pictorial on antiqued parchment depicts Benjamin Franklin, considered by many to be one of the most fascinating and influential people of his times...
Benjamin Franklin - The Way to Wealth - Poster
This Franklin's Way to Wealth anitiqued parchment poster contains many of Benjamin Franklin's down-to-earth expressions. Extracted from his original publication "The Way to Wealth and A Plan by which every...
Billy the Kid $5,000 Reward Wanted Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster. It states "$5,000 reward for the capture, dead or alive, of one Wm. Wright, better known...
Black Bart $1,000 Reward Wanted Poster 1877
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster for the outlaw known as Black Bart. It stated "$1,000 reward in gold coin will be...
Booker T. Washington "Atlanta Exposition Address" 1895
This antiqued parchment poster is a reproduction of Booker T. Washington's "Atlanta Exposition Address." He delivered this famous speech at the Cotton States Exposition in Atlanta, GA on September 18,...
Boston Tea Party 1773
This antiqued parchment pictorial of The Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773, includes a reproduction of an historic drawing from the National Archives and a detailed explanation of the events...
British Army Recruiting Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an actual British Army Recruiting Poster which was printed and posted in the Colonies for recruiting soldiers during the Revolutionary War.
Butch Cassidy $4,000 Reward Wanted Poster 1900
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster. It states "$4,000 reward will be paid for the capture of Robert Leroy Parker, Alias "Butch"...
Butler's Proclamation 1862
This antiqued parchment poster depicts Union Major General Benjamin Butler's May 15, 1862 Proclamation to the women of New Orleans. His action was a result of hostility shown to his...
California - Historical Maps 1636 and 1731
This antiqued parchment poster includes reprints of two old maps of California from the Colonial Period of American history. The map from 1636 presents California as an island - the popular...
California Replica Currency 1782-1879
You will receive 6 unique replicas of original California Currency from the years 1782-1879. These antiqued reproductions have the appearance and texture of old circulated money. The replica notes are...
Christopher Columbus
This antiqued parchment pictorial poster features the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. It includes a replica of the 'Santa Fe Capitulation' contract between the King and Queen of Spain and Columbus,...
Civil War Battlefields Map Poster [large poster size]
This large poster sized antiqued parchment map shows over 75 battlefield locations. The detailed chronological historical notes start on November 6, 1860 with the election of President Abraham Lincoln, and...
Regular price $19.95 $19.95
Civil War Battlefields Map Poster [small poster size]
Colonial Bill of Fare Tavern Dinner Menu
The Bill of Fare antiqued parchment poster is a reprint of an actual early Colonial Menu. It would be found in one of the many taverns and restaurants that were...
Colonial Era "Fare of Ye Tavern" Wine & Liquor Menu
This antiqued parchment Fare of Ye Tavern poster is a reprint of an actual wine & liquor menu from a colonial tavern. It includes the Tavern rules "This House shall...
Colonial Era Replica Currency Set A
The Colonial Banknote Set A contains replicas of 7 different Colonial banknotes. Printed on antiqued parchment paper, so they have the appearance and texture of old banknotes.Includes banknotes from: New...
Colonial Era Replica Currency Set B
The Colonial Banknote Set B contains replicas of 7 different Colonial banknotes — varied completely from set B. Printed on antiqued parchment paper, so they have the appearance and texture...
Confederate States Civil War Era Replica Currency Set A
The Confederate Currency Set A contains replicas of 6 different Confederate State banknotes issued during the Civil War period. The following notes are included in this set: $100.00 Virginia 1862...
Confederate States Civil War Era Replica Currency Set B
The Confederate Currency Set B contains replicas of 6 different banknotes issued by Confederate States and the Confederate States of America during the Civil War period. The following notes are...
Confederate States Civil War Era Replica Currency Set C
The Confederate Currency Set C contains replicas of 6 different Confederate States of America banknotes issued during the Civil War period. The following notes are included in this set: $20...
Confederate States Civil War Era Replica Currency Set D
The Confederate Currency Set D contains replicas of 7 different banknotes issued by Confederate States during the Civil War period. The following notes are included in this set: 50¢ Georgia...
Constitution of the United States 1787 - 12" x 18" Parchment Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a one page small poster sized replica of the original hand written Constitution of the United States. The Constitution is the supreme law of the...
Constitution of the United States 1787 - Big 23" x 29" Parchment Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a one large page poster sized replica of the original hand written Constitution of the United States. The Constitution is the supreme law of the...
Cradle of Religious Freedom Map - Philadelphia Churches
The Olde Philadelphia - Cradle of Religious Freedom Map depicts the churches and other worship houses as they existed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the Colonial Period. This poster was reproduced...
Dalton Brothers $5,000 Reward Wanted Poster 1892
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster. It states "$5,000 reward for Bob, Emmet, and Grat Dalton for Bank Robbery, Notify Authorities Coffeyville,...
Dead Men Tell No tales and other Pirate pictures
This antiqued parchment poster is titled "Dead Men Tell No Tales." It is a collage of 5 Pirate pictures, including Pirates at sea and at battle.
Declaration of Independence Replica - 14" x 16" Parchment Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a small poster 14" x 16" replica of the original handwritten Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is the document in which the original...
Declaration of Independence Replica - Big 23" x 29" Parchment Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a large poster size replica of the original handwritten Declaration of Independence. It is similar in size to the original Declaration of Independence. The Declaration...
Deeds for Manhattan 1645 & Long Island 1649
This antiqued parchment poster includes English translations of extracts from the original Dutch manuscripts for the purchase of Manhattan and Long Island (New York) from the Indians in 1645 and 1649, respectively....
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - I Have a Dream, 1963
Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his most recognized speech, "I Have a Dream" at the historic March on Washington in 1963. His speech is reproduced on this antiqued parchment document,...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - I've Been to the Mountaintop, 1968
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered what many consider to be his most inspiring speech "I've Been to the Mountaintop" one day before his assassination in 1968. The speech is...
Edgar Allan Poe - Annabel Lee 1849
This antiqued parchment poster depicts a copy of Annabel Lee, in the distinctive handwriting of American author Edgar Allan Poe. This was the last poem he wrote - written in 1849,...
Edgar Allan Poe - The Raven - 1845
This antiqued parchment poster depicts a copy of "The Raven," Edgar Allan Poe's most famous poem, in his own distinctive handwriting. The poem was first published in 1845. This poster...
First Account of the Custer Massacre - Tribune Extra July 6, 1876
This antiqued parchment document is a reproduction of the Bismarck Tribune Extra dated July 6, 1876, a first-hand account of General George Custer's death at Little Big Horn, Montana. The...
Florence Nightingale and The Beginnings of Modern Nursing - 1800s
This antiqued parchment poster describes the beginnings of modern day nursing as practiced by nurses in the 1800s. The poster features pictures and biographical information relating to famous nurses, including...
Florida - Historical Map 1539
This antiqued parchment document includes a Dutch version of a Spanish map from 1539 which shows Florida under Spanish rule. The area shown as Florida is the present day continental United...
Florida Replica Currency 1832-1863
You will receive 6 unique replicas of original Florida Currency from the years 1832-1863. These antiqued reproductions have the appearance and texture of old circulated money. The following notes are...
Frederick Douglass speech - "What to the Slave is the 4th of July"
Frederick Douglass is one of the most prominent and recognizable abolitionists and writers of the 19th century. Prior to becoming a noted African-American social reformer, he was a slave who...
Freemen of Tennesee to Arms Recruiting Poster
This antiqued parchment poster is a reproduction of an original Tennessee recruitment broadside which was used from May 17, 1861. Volunteers were inspired to join the Confederate Army with slogans...
Fulton's Steamboat Pictorial
This antiqued parchment pictorial depicts the following historical items relating to the Fulton Steamboat: A drawing of Fulton's steamboat, accompanied by the signature of Robert Fulton. Fulton built the first...
Gentleman Killer Wanted Poster 1874
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster for John Wesley Hardin. It states "Gentleman Killer. Here is the one we are looking for....
George Washington - Call to Arms
This antiqued parchment poster was reproduced from a rare copy of of "George Washington's Call to Arms," a recruiting broadside which was posted by order of General George Washington during the...
George Washington - Commission & Oath
This antiqued parchment print includes reproductions of the Commission to George Washington by the Continental Congress as Commander in Chief of the army of the United Colonies 1775 and of...
George Washington - Plan of Operations against the King's Troops in New Jersey
This antiqued parchment reproduction of the Plan of Operations of General Washington against the King's Troops in New Jersey from December 26, 1776 to January 3, 1777 was originally published...
George Washington - Portrait and Thoughts
This George Washington Portrait & Interesting Thoughts pictorial on antiqued parchment depicts George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution and the first president of...
Gettysburg Battlefield Map July 1,2, and 3, 1863
This antiqued parchment pictorial includes maps, illustrations and explanatory remarks documenting the July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1863 battles in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Many historians consider these battles to be the...
Grand Baseball Match - July 4th, 1879
This antiqued parchment poster depicts a replica of an actual baseball game announcement from July 4th, 1879. The poster promotes the "Grand Baseball Match" between The Diamond Base Ball Club...
History of Famous American Flags Poster [Large Poster Size]
The History of Famous American Flags poster includes pictures of 16 different flags during various periods of American History. The following flags are featured on the poster: Pre-Revolution Colonial Flag...
History of Famous American Flags Poster [Small Poster Size]
Sale price $6.95 $6.95
Illinois Replica Currency 1838-1852
You will receive 6 unique replicas of original Illinois Currency from the years 1838-1852. These antiqued reproductions have the appearance and texture of old circulated money. The following notes are...
James Brothers $25,000 Reward Wanted Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster offers rewards for Jesse and Frank James. It states, "Proclamation of Governor of Missouri! $25,000 Reward Jesse James...
Jesse James $500 Reward Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster. It states "$500 reward for the arrest and conviction of Jesse James, St. Louis Midland Railroad."
Landing of the Pilgrims 1620
The Pilgrims landed at Cape Cod, Massachusetts on November 9, 1620. This antiqued parchment pictorial describes the landing and includes illustrations of the historic event.
Last Will and Testimate of Robert E. Lee 1846
This antiqued parchment poster includes a reproduction of Robert E. Lee's Last Will and Testament, handwritten by Lee in 1846. Also included on this poster are a Schedule of Property...
Lee's Farwell Address 1865
This antiqued parchment poster includes a reproduction of Robert E. Lee's Farewell Address to the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, following its formal surrender on April 9, 1865. Also included...
Lewis and Clark's Expedition 1804 to 1808
This antiqued parchment poster features Lewis and Clark's historical Expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory from 1804 to 1808, as commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson. The poster includes an expedition map...
Locomotives in the 1800's
This antiqued parchment poster contains information about the first steam railroad passenger train in America, which ran in New York, from Albany to Schenectady, beginning n 1831. Also pictured are 4...
Louisiana Purchase 1803
This antiqued parchment poster includes 3 pages of the Louisiana Purchase document of 1803, and related historical explanatory remarks. Thirteen states or parts of states have been made from the...
Magna Carta 1215 - English Translation
The Continental Congress made the American Constitution "the Supreme Law of the Land," just as the rights granted by King John of Englands 1215AD Magna Carta were not to be...
Malcolm X, "By Any Means Necessary" 1964
Malcolm X is considered by many to be one of the most fascinating and significant civil rights leaders in the United States. His powerful historic 1964 speech is reproduced on...
Mayflower Compact 1620
This antiqued parchment document depicts the Mayflower Compact, often described as America's first constitution. It was composed by a consensus of the new Settlers arriving at New Plymouth in November...
Men of Virginia Civil War Recruiting Poster 1861
This antiqued parchment poster from depicts a replica of a 1861 Civil War recruiting poster which was used to attract volunteers for the Confederate Army with the catch phrase "MEN...
Monroe Doctrine 1823
The Monroe Doctrine, presented by President James Monroe to Congress in 1823, proclaimed the United States' opinion that European powers should no longer colonize or interfere with the sovereign nations...
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
This antiqued parchment poster depicts the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota. Below the picture of the Memorial are famous quotes from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and...
Mulligan's Brigade Civil War Recruiting Poster
The 1863 Mulligan's Brigade Civil War Recruiting Poster was reproduced on this antiqued parchment poster from the original provided by the Chicago Historical Society. It attracted volunteers with the catch...
Naval Battle Between the Merrimac and the Monitor 1862
This antiqued parchment pictorial features the famous March 1862 naval warfare battle between the Confederate Merrimac and the Union Monitor. The poster also includes a picture of the battle, an...
New York Replica Currency 1776-1864
You will receive 7 unique replicas of original New York Currency from the years 1776-1864. These antiqued reproductions have the appearance and texture of old circulated money. The following notes...
Original Bill of Rights Replica - 14" x 16" Parchment Poster
This is a a large poster size replica of the original hand written Bill of Rights, which the First Congress of the United States presented to the state legislatures on...
Original Bill of Rights Replica - Big 23" x 29" Parchment Poster
Patent Medicine Advertisement 1853
This antiqued parchment poster is a replica of an original Patent Medicine ad from 1853. Patent Medicine was known as "the Great American Fraud" as they were medically ineffective, and...
Patrick Henry - Give me Liberty Speech 1775 & picture
This antiqued parchment poster features Patrick Henry's legendary "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech. Patrick Henry delivered his stirring patriotic speech before the Virginia Assembly in Richmond, Virginia...
Patrick Henry - Give Me Liberty Speech Pictorial
This antiqued parchment pictorial features Patrick Henry's legendary "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech. The poster also includes a picture of Patrick Henry delivering his stirring patriotic speech...
Pirate Treasure Map of Sunken and Buried Treasure [large poster size]
This antiqued parchment poster size Pirate Treasure Map lists over 65 sunken and buried treasure locations from the Caribbean to Canada. Each treasure location is numbered, with corresponding historical notes. ...
Pirate Treasure Map of Sunken and Buried Treasure [small poster size]
This antiqued parchment poster size Pirate Treasure Map lists over 65 sunken and buried treasure locations from the Caribbean to Canada. Each treasure location is numbered, with corresponding historical notes....
Pirates Creed of Ethics
This antiqued parchment poster lists 14 rules that all "ethical" Pirates should follow, referred to as the Pirates Creed of Ethics
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 1954
In 1954, President Eisenhower approved an amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States. The words, "under God" were inserted. This antiqued parchment poster features the...
President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address 1961 [small poster size]
This antiqued parchment poster includes the complete text of the Inaugural Address delivered by John F. Kennedy on January 30, 1961. The poster also includes images of the presidential seal,...
Proclamation of Sam Houston 1835
This antiqued parchment poster depicts an exact replica of an original weathered broadsheet of the Proclamation of Sam Houston, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Texas, which was issued on December...
Republic of Texas Replica Currency 1838-1841
You will receive 6 unique replicas of original Republic of Texas Currency from the years 1838-1841. The replica notes are printed on one side only. They are printed in black...
Revolutionary War Battlefields Map [large poster size]
The Revolutionary War Battlefields Map, printed on antiqued parchment paper, shows 61 battlefield locations with corresponding chronological history. (This map is also available in a smaller poster size).
Revolutionary War Battlefields Map [small poster size]
The Revolutionary War Battlefields Map, printed on antiqued parchment paper, shows 61 battlefield locations with corresponding chronological history. (This map is also available in a larger poster size).
Revolutionary War Recruiting Broadside
This pictorial on antiqued parchment features a rare Revolutionary War Recruiting Broadside which was used in New York City during the Revolutionary war. Interesting information about the broadside is included...
Ringing of the Liberty Bell
This Ringing of the Liberty Bell antiqued parchment pictorial includes a drawing of the Liberty Bell being rung, and interesting text from an article about the Liberty Bell which was...
Robert E. Lee - Portrait and Thoughts
This antiqued parchment pictorial features a portrait of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, his signature, and some of his most famous and interesting quotes.
Sam & Belle Starr $10,000 Reward Wanted Poster
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster. It states "Reward $10,000 in Gold Coin will be paid by the U.S. Government for the...
Sam Houston - Portrait and Thoughts
This antiqued parchment poster includes a portrait and biographical sketch of Sam Houston. Sam Houston lived from 1793 to 1863. During his lifetime he was governor of two states, president...
Seals of the American Colonies 1606-1794
In early English law it was necessary that formal contracts should contain the seal of each party concerned, as well as his signature. This antiqued parchment pictorial "Seals of the...
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
This pictorial of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence includes many interesting facts about the Continental Congress delegates who adopted the famous document of freedom at Independence Hall in...
Sojourner Truth, "Ain't I A Woman?" 1851
Sojourner Truth, an ex-slave and fiery abolitionist, delivered her "Ain't I A Woman?" speech at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio in 1851. The first published version of the speech,...
Statue of Liberty Deed & More 1884
This antiqued parchment pictorial depicts the original Deed of Gift for the Statue of Liberty, as presented on the 4th of July, 1884 by Count Ferdinand de Lesseps of France....
Texas Declaration of Independence
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of the Texas Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was issued by the Delegates of the People of Texas, in General Convention at the town...
Texas History poster - depicts 3 documents - 1835 - 1845
This antiqued parchment poster includes copies of 3 documents important to Texas history: Freemen of Texas, To Arms!!! To Arms!!!!, issued on September 3, 1835 calling Texans to Arms...
The Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln, 1863
President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, one of the best known speeches in American History, was given on November 19, 1863 near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This antiqued parchment document is a replica...
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere 1775
Legend and poetry has illustrated Paul Revere's ride that called the colonists to arms, and signaled the start of the American Revolution. This antiqued parchment pictorial of The Midnight Ride...
The Pony Express - California to Pikes Peak 1860
This antiqued parchment poster includes a drawing of the Pony Express, as well as excepts from original advertisements and schedules of the Central Overland Express Company which ran between California...
The Star Spangled Banner 1814
This Star Spangled Banner pictorial on antiqued parchment includes a replica of The Star Spangled Banner in Francis Scott Key's handwriting. Also displayed is a drawing of his first sight...
The Sundance Kid $6,500 Reward Wanted Poster 1892
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of an original Western Era wanted poster. It states, "$6,500 reward for the capture, dead or alive, of Harry Longbaugh, alias The Sundance...
The Ten Commandments
This antiqued parchment document depicts an English translation of the Ten Commandments from the Bible, in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. These laws form the basis of the modern religions of...
The Union Is Dissolved 1860 poster
The original declaration of South Carolina's withdrawal from the United States of America, was printed on December 20, 1860 by the Charleston Mercury Extra. It is reproduced on this antiqued...
The Washington Cavalry Civil War Recruiting Poster (To Horse, To Horse)
The 1862 Washington Cavalry Civil War Recruiting Poster was reproduced on this antiqued parchment poster from the original document provided by the Chicago Historical Society. This poster attracted volunteers with...
Thomas Jefferson - Portrait and Thoughts
This Thomas Jefferson Portrait & Interesting Thoughts pictorial on antiqued parchment depicts Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, author of the United States Declaration of Independence and...
Travis "Victory or Death" letter from The Alamo 1836 TEXAS
This antiqued parchment poster features a reproduction of the original handwritten 1836 letter, written by Lt. Col. William Barrett Travis who in command of the troops battling at The Alamo. He wrote his...
U.S. Constitution on 4 Small Pages (14" x 16" each)
The Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. It was completed on September 17, 1787. The Constitution of the United States was debated, drafted and signed...
Regular price $14.95 $14.95
Ulysses S. Grant - Portrait and Thoughts
This antiqued parchment pictorial features a portrait of Ulysses S. Grant, Union General and 18th President of the United States. Also included on the poster are a copy of his...
Ulysses S. Grant's Letter to Robert E. Lee 1865
This antiqued parchment document is a replica of Union General Ulysses S. Grant's April 9, 1965 handwritten letter to General Robert E. Lee. The letter outlines the terms of General...
Union States Civil War Era Replica Currency 1861-1865
You will receive 6 parchment replicas of original Union States currency which were in circulation during the Civil War period: $1.00 Bank of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania 1865 $1.00 Bank of...
Voyages of Discovery - 1400's and 1500's
This antiqued parchment map depicts major voyage routes during the 1400's and 1500's by seven of the world's most famous explorers: John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, Christopher Columbus, Sir Francis Drake,...
Weapons of the American Revolution Poster [large poster size]
This "Weapons of the American Revolution" antiqued parchment poster displays the weapons used during the American Revolution, along with text explaining their theory and significance. (Also available in a smaller...
Weapons of the American Revolution Poster [small poster size]
This "Weapons of the American Revolution" antiqued parchment poster displays the weapons used during the American Revolution, along with text explaining their theory and significance. (Also available in a larger...
Weapons of the Civil War [small poster size]
This antiqued parchment poster includes illustrations of the weapons used by both Northern and Southern soldiers during the American Civil War. Also included on the poster are explanatory remarks and...
Weapons of the Old West 1800's
This antiqued parchment pictorial includes photographs, illustrations and explanatory notes relating to guns and knives used in 19th century Western America.
Weapons of the Pirates
This antiqued parchment pictorial includes pictures and descriptions of commonly used Pirate weapons.
William Penn - Deed to Pennsylvania 1681
This antiqued parchment document is a reproduction of the deed which granted William Penn a tract of land referred to as the Province of Pennsylvania. The Deed was presented in...
William Penn - Treaty With the Indians 1682
This antiqued parchment pictorial features an artist's rendering of the verbal treaty made between William Penn and a Native American Indian Chief, regarding the land, Pennsylvania, which had been granted...
Woman's Declaration of Independence 1848
The Woman's Declaration of Independence was coauthored by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a well known leader in the fight for women's rights, at the Woman's Rights Convention in New York in...